The Cedrodick color of the Kurilian Bobtail, formerly known as amber, is very similar in its appearance to the amber of the Norwegian Forest Cat. In the first year of life, the animal has black ticking hair and dark paw pads. Over time, the dark pigment disappears, and the color of an adult cat is almost indistinguishable from red, the paw pads are lightened to pink.
We are especially pleased to write about this test, since the study of the "Carnelian" color is our own scientific development. We would like to express our special thanks to breeders and breed specialists who provided biomaterial and pedigrees for research, especially Ph.D. Golubeva Natalya Aleksandrovna, specialist of KLK "Kotofey", and, of course, Mironova Olga Sergeevna, president of the Association of KLK "Kotofey".
The observed Carnelian colors can be described as follows:
1. Carnelian Agouti:
the general tone of the coat color is red-orange, orange, in some cats bright, fiery. Each hair has a zoning (ticking) characteristic of agouti. Tipping has no black pigment. The most intense tone on the back along the line of the spine. The pattern on the sides is usually well defined. In areas of the background, the color tone is less intense. Two rows of spots on the belly - the button strip may be completely blurred. Dorsoventral lightening is clearly expressed. Agouti markings are clearly defined on the muzzle. The hair on the throat is significantly lightened and resembles a white throat spot, but at the base of the hair in this area there is always a peach root stripe (light tone). On the front and hind legs, a distinct reddish-red color of the coat on the lateral surfaces, with half rings on the inner parts, significant whiteness of the coat on each of the fingers near the nails. On the plantar side there is a whitish coat around the pads of the paws and fingers, the crumbs are pink, but have spots of black pigment in the apical parts. The heel is covered with red hair that loses its tone to the feet. The color appears already in newborn kittens and practically does not change, except for individual hairs with black typing on the tail, which disappear with age.
2. Nonaguchi Carnelian:
the main color is deep brown-red-orange. The hair is devoid of zoning, but there is a gradient in the distribution of pigment along the length, allowing the pattern to appear. The tip of the hair does not have black pigment. The color tone on the back and on the belly is practically the same; there is no dorso-ventral distribution of pigment in the background parts of the pattern. Intense reddish-brown coat on the back and sides while maintaining an intense pattern, contrasting orange-red background and belly. The button strip can be pronounced or slightly blurred. The extremities are painted with a uniform reddish-brown tone, up to the fingertips. The pads are red-brown, evenly colored. The hair between the toes is slightly bleached. The pattern on the muzzle is weakened, the agouti markings are not pronounced. The lightening of the fur around the eyes (glasses) is weak. The mascara stripes are saved. There is no lightening on the pads and throat, the muzzle as a whole looks darker than that of the agouti carnelian. The nose is colored evenly brownish-red or cinnamon. Kittens appear much darker than adults and may resemble brown tabby.
3. Gold Carnelian Bearer:
the general color tone is rich, with a predominance of brown-red to fawn tones. The root zone of the hair is filled with red pigment to the base and does not have a gray adhesion strip. Black pigment is concentrated on the upper part of the head and back - "belt" and pattern on the sides, black tip of the tail. Hair tipping in these areas is filled with black pigment from 1/8 to 1/3 of the hair length. The throat, abdomen and inner surface of the paws are completely red, without admixture of black. Agouti markings are clearly defined. "Glasses" and the hair on the throat can be lightened quite strongly. The pillows can be very light. The nose is pink. The outline is outlined, but not always drawn. There is a lightened triangular spot on the dorsum of the nose in the lower third. Dorsoventral clarification is pronounced. Whitish patches may appear on the chest and abdomen. The pattern on the sides and limbs is well defined, drawn in darker brown tones in relation to the background. No pronounced black. The paw pads are black or dark brown. The hair between the toes is black. On the hind legs, black hair is limited to the area between the toes, further down to the hock, red hairs prevail. Kittens are born darker and may resemble brown tabby. With age, the color tone becomes brighter, with less black. But age-related color change is much less pronounced than that of Norwegian Forest Amber cats.
4. Silver Carnelian Carrier:
the color is characterized by a transition from silver to gold in the dorso-ventral direction: the back and lateral surfaces of the body are painted with black pigment on a lightened undercoat with a transition from black to brown-orange on the lower part of the body with a yellow undercoat. The silver color is concentrated on the back and sides of the cat. Gold color occupies the lower part of the body - the belly, inner surfaces of the paws, throat, pads. All signs of agouti are expressed in the color: lightening of the fur around the eyes - "glasses", lightening of the pads and throat, drawing of the letter M on the forehead and a diamond-shaped pattern from the outer corners of the eyes. But these signs are somewhat blurred. The degree of manifestation varies from individual to individual. The nose is light red to dark pink. The outline is outlined, but not always drawn. Some cats have a slight triangular enlightenment from the edge of the nose up the nasal bridge. The silver tone of the hair is formed by black pigment, which occupies a significant length of the hair - up to 3/4. Uneven ticking is expressed along the hair length. The silver hairs mainly cover the upper body. The darkest color on the back. Red hairs can be found simultaneously with completely black ones. Red hair begins to dominate on the lower body. The border of the transition in many animals is not clearly expressed. Red hair covers the belly, throat, cheeks, and often pads, leaving a silvery stripe under the eyes. Feet, both front and rear, on the front side are red to the tips of the toes, on the back - silver. The paw pads are black; the back of the forepaw pads is often pink. The hair between the toes and on the hind legs from the hock is black. The pattern on the sides may be visible or blurred, especially in semi-long-haired cats, more pronounced on the limbs. At birth, the kittens look "colorful" with a blacker back and a lighter undercoat. With age, they practically do not discolor, but the accumulation of pheomelanin pigment becomes more noticeable. Kittens' paw pads are dark pink with spots of black pigment; they turn black with age.